Subang Jaya Medical Centre
Subang Jaya Medical Centre is strategically located and is five minutes away from the Subang Jaya KTM and LRT Stations. From there, you can take a Grab or bus for a short ride to the hospital.
The Grand Dorsett is next to the hospital and Holiday Villa is within walking distance to the hospital. Other alternatives would be the Empire Hotel, Saujana Hotel or Airbnb stays.
Upgrading: Canopy Construction

Quick Facts:
- Parking Fee details
- RM 2.00 1st HOUR or part thereof, add RM 1 every subsequent half hour or less
- RM 10.00 Maximum Charge (per day)
- RM 3.00 Monday - Saturday (7:00pm - 7:00am)
- RM 3.00 Sunday and Public Holiday (per entry)
- Nearby public transport, shuttle services.
- SJMC is located 2km away from the Subang Jaya KTM and LRT Stations
- Rapid buses are available and there are multiple stops close by
- Wheelchair availability and where to get them.
- Wheelchairs are readily available at the Main Lobby entrance and Emergency Unit entrance
- Wheelchairs are readily available at the Main Lobby entrance and Emergency Unit entrance
- Facilities
- Maybank & CIMB ATMs available with MEPS facilities at (Basement 1, Outpatient Centre)
- Cafe 35 (Level G, OutPatient Centre)
- Flavours Food Hall, Starbucks, Chicken Rice Shop, Just Fruits, JO Wigs, Cambridge Weight Plan, Medifeet & Family Mart (Ground Floor, Mediplex)
- Big Juicee, O’Briens Irish Sandwich Cafe, MyNews Retail, Hot & Roll & 1901 Hot Dogs (Basement 1, Outpatient Centre)
- KLIDC Dentway (First Floor, Mediplex)
- Accent Wellness Compounding Pharmacy (Second Floor, Mediplex)
- Blooms and Balloons (Ground Floor, South Tower)
- Visitor Policy
- Visiting hours are below:
General Wards
9.00 am to 8.00 pm
Critical Care Area
10.00 am to 1.00 pm
5.00 pm to 8.00 pm
- TWO visitors per patient is allowed at any given time.
- Visitors MUST always wear a mask.
- Person with COVID-19 positive and those under Home Surveillance Order (HSO) are NOT PERMITTED in the hospital premises.
- Visiting hours are below:
- Polisi Pelawat
- Waktu lawatan pesakit seperti berikut:
Wad Biasa
9.00 pagi to 8.00 malam
Unit Rawatan Rapi
10.00 pagi to 1.00 petang
5.00 petang to 8.00 malam
- DUA pelawat dibenarkan melawat pesakit pada setiap masa.
- Pelawat DIWAJIBKAN memakai pelitup muka pada setiap masa.
- Kes positif COVID -19 dan sesiapa yang dibawah perintah HOME Surveillance Order (HSO), TIDAK DIBENARKAN berada di dalam premis hospital.
- Waktu lawatan pesakit seperti berikut:
- 访客探病须知
- 本院的探病时间如下:
上午9.00 ~ 晚上8.00
限上午10.00 ~ 下午1.00
限下午5.00 ~ 晚上8.00
每名病患仅限 2 位访客。访客必须全程配戴口罩。
所有COVID-19 阳性者和处在家庭监视令 (HSO) 的访客禁止进入医院。
- 本院的探病时间如下: