Neurology relates to the diagnosis and treatment for brain, spine and nervous system disorders. This is a highly complex and far-reaching field of medicine, dealing with conditions from physical trauma to complicated nervous system disorders.
Neurology Specialists
At Subang Jaya Medical Centre, our exceptional neurology services treat a wide range of conditions, from spinal injuries and complex nerve disorders to debilitating brain conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and strokes. Neurological conditions offer a complex field of medicine, therefore at Subang Jaya Medical Centre we enable our team of neurology specialists to deliver the best possible care using the latest technologies, offering cutting-edge diagnosis and treatment at the forefront of neurological care in the region.
Our Neurologists
Dr Loh Pei Kee
Consultant Neurologist
Dr Ng Wai Keong
Consultant Neurologist
Dr Phua Chun Seng
Consultant neurologist and physician
General Physician
Dr Sherrini Bazir Ahmad
Consultant Physician and Neurologist
Dr Siva Seeta Ramaiah
Consultant Physician and Neurologist
Dr Yong Fee Mann
Consultant Physician and Neurologist