CAH Medical Centres Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Ramsay Sime Darby Health Care Sdn Bhd) and its subsidiaries (referred to as “CMC” or “the CMC Group”) takes whistleblowing very seriously.
CMC Whistleblowing is designed to receive disclosures relating to Improper Conduct as defined below:
- Abuse of Influence
- Bribery / Corruption
- Breach of Policy / Procedure
- Bullying / Harassment
- Conflict of Interest
- Discrimination
- Fraud
- Health / Safety / Environment
- Theft
- Other Unethical Behaviour or Misconduct
This is a channel for reporting Improper Conduct as defined below:
- Abuse of Influence
- Bribery / Corruption
- Breach of Policy / Procedure
- Bullying / Harassment
- Conflict of Interest
- Discrimination
- Fraud
- Health / Safety / Environment
- Theft
- Other Unethical Behaviour or Misconduct
CMC takes whistleblowing very seriously. The identity of the person making a report will be kept confidential, however there may be circumstances where proper investigation or compliance with legal requirements requires identification of the whistleblower. In such circumstances, the whistleblower will be advised before release of their identity. We encourage any person making a report to provide as much information as possible to facilitate investigation.
If you are an employee and wish to make a report relating to personal grievance (complaints about employment related matters), please contact your respective Human Resources department.
For general queries pertaining to CMC, customer satisfaction and billing issues, please directly contact our Corporate Office or relevant hospital, contact details are available on our website.
How It Works
You can contact the CMC whistleblowing service using this website to report Improper Conduct.
Identity of the person making a report will be kept confidential, however there may be circumstances where proper investigation or compliance with legal requirements requires identification of the whistleblower. In such circumstance, the whistleblower will be advised before release of their identity.
In order to enable the Group to obtain more details on the allegation / report, communicate the feedback of investigation and prevent abuse of the process, the whistleblower is encouraged to disclose his/her personal details and must provide supporting evidence or valid/factual information in their report to facilitate further investigation.
Where adequate details and information are given, the report will be appropriately investigated. The Group will then decide what action to take.
If information provided is not adequate, a designated CMC representative may contact you within 14 days and ask for further details to facilitate investigations. The whistleblower is required to respond within 14 days, otherwise the case will be closed due to lack of information, as no further action or investigation can be carried out.
What To Report
The Whistleblower is encouraged to make written disclosure of information by using the “Whistleblower Form” as provided in Appendix 1. The Whistleblower Form is available on the Company’s website. The form must be filled with relevant information and to be sent by email to whistleblow@asia1health.com.
Q: Why should I blow the whistle on Improper Conduct?
A: To help promote a culture of responsibility and accountability of all directors, officers, employees and consultants of CMC Group.
Q: Can I be anonymous?
You can choose to stay anonymous when you contact CMC whistleblowing service. Sometimes you may not be able to remain anonymous as your identity may be apparent to CMC whistleblowing service from the information you give.
In order to enable CMC to obtain more details on the allegation / report, communicate the feedback of investigation and prevent abuse of the process, the whistleblower is encouraged to disclose his/her personal details and must provide supporting evidence or valid/factual information in their report to facilitate further investigation.
If information is lacking, this can prevent further action or investigations from being carried out. If you consent to disclose your identity, a CMC representative will contact you in confidence.
Q: How can I be assured of protection once I lodge a report?
CMC is supportive of any person who acts in good faith and reports Improper Conduct or who has reasonable grounds to suspect Improper Conduct. CMC will not tolerate victimization of a whistleblower and will treat this as a serious disciplinary offence.
Q: What do I need to tell CMC whistleblowing service?
A: Tell CMC whistleblowing service as much as you can. Please provide written disclosure of information by using the “Whistleblower Form” as provided in our website.
Q: What if I suspect something is wrong, but I am not sure?
A: Most cases reported are uncovered through tips from honest people who are not sure of their facts. It is not expected you will know every detail. Reporting in good faith and providing as much details as possible on what you do know, is a good start.
However, any disclosure which is found to be frivolous, malicious or vexatious will not be entertained. Disclosure made with malicious intent can cause irreparable harm to an individual’s or the organization’s reputation. As such, if the investigation later reveals that disclosure was made with malicious intent, appropriate action can be taken against the whistleblower.
Q: Will I be involved after I report an incident?
A: Once you have made your report, you may not need to be involved in the report any further, provided adequate details and information have been given.
Q: Do I get rewarded for reporting misconduct?
A: No, there is no reward for reporting misconduct to CMC.
Q: Are law enforcement agencies notified of reports made to CMC whistleblowing service?
A: The information reported is forwarded to the CMC representative who is responsible for addressing misconduct. They may notify the appropriate law enforcement agency if this is appropriate.
Q: Will there be an investigation process after each report is made?
A: Whether there is an investigation depends on a number of factors including the adequacy of information provided, the details, supporting documentation and the Group’s company policy.
Q: What personal information will CMC whistleblowing service collect about you or others?
A: When you contact CMC whistleblowing service, we may ask for your personal details as well as any other relevant information about anyone else involved in the incident to facilitate investigations. Reports are confidential however there maybe instances where personal details and information provided to CMC Whistleblowing may be disclosed to law enforcement agencies or regulatory authorities, as required to meet applicable laws, rules and regulations.
Q: How will CMC whistleblowing service use or disclose personal information?
A: CMC whistleblowing service will only use and disclose personal information collected pursuant to this channel to the extent where it is necessary to act on your report and as required by law or a regulatory authority.
How To Report
You can send email to: whistleblow@asia1health.com
Please note that rsdhc.whistleblowing@tipoffs.com.my is no longer in use.
Log a disclosure / suspicion
CMC Whistleblowing is NOT an emergency service. Please do not report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property as we may not be able to reply immediately. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your public emergency service.