BFM x SJMC | Ask A Doctor: About Caring For Babies & Toddlers

In BFM's open clinic segment, its Producer Tee Shiao Eek speaks to SJMC Consultant Paediatrician, Dr Sanjay Woodhull who answers some questions from the audience.  

He explains that paediatricians generally see children from birth to teenage years and in first year or so, they time the baby's vaccinations to their growth and development assessment.

"When you see your doctors, do insist that they show you the growth chart which shows the progress of your baby in terms of weight gain, height gain and head circumference. It give you a lot of reassurance as to how your baby is doing, nutritionally. We also do certain clinical assessments so the right milestones are achieved for your baby's age, ask questions and address your concerns. These are what we tend to do over a consult," he shares. 

One of the concerns he addressed during the segment is colic and advises parents that there is nothing they can do as babies go through something called a reverse sleep cycle where in the first 2-3 months, babies tend to sleep more during the day and are more awake at night. 

As long as your baby is growing well, there is nothing do worry about. But he does have some advice on how parents can manage colic and that is to follow your baby's sleep cycle by getting adequate rest and for mothers to let fathers tend to the baby 2-3 hours a day, vice versa. 

Follow your instinct, shared Dr Sanjay.

Dr Sanjay also addressed a mother's question on how she can be sure that her baby is adequately fed. "Breastfeeding can be somewhat challenging unlike bottle-fed where the amount of milk can be measured. Try expressing milk between feeds to get an idea how much milk you are producing. If your baby refuses any more milk, likely he or she is satisfied. Go with your instincts."

On a final note, Dr Sanjay says that all parents are not alone in your journey and if you are uncertain that you are doing the right thing, paediatricians and other healthcare professionals are here to help. 

Source: BFM