24hr Medical Emergency Care

Emergency Department

For medical emergencies, call 019-9000 330 or +603 5639 1213 / 1233 / 1848

The Emergency Department is a 24-hour centre that caters for all emergencies. The ER team provides excellent service to our customers with a patient-centered approach.

The ER team consists of experienced nurses, doctors and allied health staff under the direction of a Consultant Emergency Medicine Physician. This dedicated team is well-supported by on-site diagnostics, pharmacy dispensary and laboratory services as well as a comprehensive team of on-call medical and surgical specialists.

A dedicated 24-hour ambulance service is available to our customers around-the-clock to ensure they arrive at the hospital swiftly and safely.

Every patient is triaged and assigned a red, yellow and green coding based on the severity of their cases. Red cases are seen immediately as they are deemed as life-threatening cases. Yellow cases are seen within 30 minutes or whenever possible.


  • 24-hour ambulance service with state-of-the-art equipment
  • Emergency Medicine Physician available
  • On-Call Medical & Surgical Specialists
  • Resuscitation Unit


Our Lifesaver Ambulance services include:

  1. Emergency Call response
  2. Inter-hospital transfer
  3. Interstate transportation
  4. Doctor Escort for unstable cases
  5. Home to hospital transportation
  6. Hospital to home transportation
  7. On-site medical standby for events

Emergency Transportation

  • Local ambulance calls
  • Medical evacuation/repatriation from seaport and airport

Inter-Hospital Transportation

  • Hospital-to-hospital transfers

Interstate Transportation

  • Interstate/long distance patient transfer services nationwide

Hospital Admissions and Discharge

  • Home-to-hospital transportation for admissions
  • Hospital-to-home transportation for discharge

Doctor Escort for Unstable Cases

  • For patients who have reduced or absent physiological reserves who may suffer significant adverse events

Doctors Appointment/Outpatient Service

  • Scheduled doctor/clinic visits
  • Scheduled therapy (eg. rehabilitation, chemotherapy, haemodialysis)

Special Events Coverage

  • Ambulance coverage on-site for sport events, games, carnivals and family days.

Coordinated services with the Malaysian Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) and Immigration:

Air Ambulance

  • For a patient requiring intensive/critical care
  • Equipped with emergency medical and resuscitation equipment, medication, blood infusion equipment
  • Medical escort service
  • Medical visa service

Chartered Flight

  • For semi-critical patients not requiring emergency care, are stable and fit to travel
  • Scheduled departures and slots
  • Medical visa service

Chartered Ferry

  • Currently for Indonesian patients
  • Weekly scheduled departure and slots
  • Medical visa service