How Often Should you get a Medical Checkup?

It is natural to wonder what is the perfect time to get a medical checkup.

However, the answer to the question is not a simple one as it depends on your age, gender, family history, and so many more, which is exactly why you need to schedule an initial checkup to determine the status of your health.

More than 85% of the population feels that they need an annual physical check, but in reality only 50% of the population, or lower actually do so.

General Adult Medical Check-up Routine:

  • Age 19-21, once in every 2-3 years
  • Age 22-64, once in every 1-3 years
  • Over 65, once in a year

However, these dates are not set in stone and can vary after an initial checkup with your doctor, which is why you should visit a medical center in Malaysia, and get started with a basic checkup.

This will give you a chance to have a report created based on your current tests, family history, and your health status over the years.

Recommendation for Everyone:

If your doctor has assured that you are in good health, take preventative steps to keep it that way.

Here is a simple guideline you can follow.

  • Get your blood pressure checked every 1 to 2 years.
  • Keep updated with Vaccinations:
    • Diphtheria, Tetanus, or Pertussis immunization booster every decade.
    • Chickenpox vaccination if you have never had them.
    • Mumps, Rubella, or Measles vaccination if you have never had them.
    • Hepatitis A or B shots if you are at risk.

After The Age of 40:

  • Get cholesterol screenings every 3 to 5 years.
  • Get a screening for colorectal cancer along with a fecal occult blood test every year, and a colonoscopy every decade.

After The Age of 55:

If you’re a smoker or have quit less than 15 years ago, then you should have regular lung cancer screenings.

  • After age 60, get a yearly shingles vaccination.
  • After the age of 65, get a pneumococcal vaccination.

In addition, set an appointment with your doctor if you are feeling more anxious or depressed, or have any questions regarding your health. On a side note, if you wish to lose weight, get a full medical checkup before you commit to a diet or exercise plan.

Guidelines for Women:

Along with general screenings, women need a few additional screenings, such as breast and pelvic screening and examination.

Women who are 18 to 29:

  • Make sure you get an HPV vaccination.
  • Get a pap smear and test for cervical cancer every 3 years.

Women who are 30 to 49:

  • Get a pap smear every 5 years.
  • Consult your doctor if you should get mammograms.

Women who are 50 and up:

  • Get yearly mammograms until the age of 75.
  • Get a pap smear every 4 to 5 years until you reach the age of 65 or 70.
  • Get a test for bone density with a DEXA scan after the age of 50.

Keep in mind that the doctor will recommend a different screening schedule after your menopause, or hysterectomy.

Guidelines for Men:

Most men who follow general health guidelines until the age of 50 can easily pass for a regular medical checkup.

However, the following guide can help you get a better perspective.


Men who are 50 and up:

  • Get a bone density (DEXA) scan from a medical center in Malaysia.
  • Keep your family history in mind to see if you need a prostate cancer scan.
  • After the age of 65, if you’re currently a smoker, or have smoked before, get an ultrasound to screen for an abdominal aortic aneurysm.


Keep in mind that this system of scheduling checkups is not concrete, as the final test and checkup schedule will depend on your personal condition, which is why you should consider getting an initial checkup so your doctor can set you up according to your health.

Do you have any questions for the health screening packages available at different locations in Selangor/Kuala Lumpur? Feel free to visit to find out more. Shall any additional information is required, please do not hesitate to talk to our friendly consultant at +603 56391212.